Thursday, August 1
6:30 to 8:00 pm
FREE, All ages
Join us in the Kamloops Art Gallery studios for an artist’s talk with zev tiefenbach to learn about some of the challenges of exploring the topic of genocide in his work.
This intimate conversation will touch on Marianne Hirsch’s concept of postmemory, the ways that the holocaust has been co-opted by national and economic interests, and concerns about how both survivors and the deceased are often re-victimized by Holocaust discourse.
The talk is timely in the current context of Israel’s assault on Gaza and aims to deconstruct some of the rhetoric used to justify this ongoing genocide.
Following the artist talk, zev will be joined by fellow artists Gambletron and Johnny Forever Nawracaj for a moderated discussion exploring themes of resistance within their art practices.
Johnny Forever Nawracaj, Gambletron, and zev tiefenbach’s exhibition Diasporic Anchors for Future Memory, curated by Craig Willms, is on view in The Cube until September 21, 2024.
zev tiefenbach, fieldnotes from a site of genocide:
kaunas, lithuania. february 25, 2022.
Image courtesy of the Artist.